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Nativity Play- A Marvellously Modern Miracle
easy primary school plays

Welcome to our world of easy plays for primary schools. Take a quick look below!
Sleeping Beauty
Thanks, Freddie for recommending this one! It was a triumph! We had a cast of y4,y5 and y6. They put on a great show.
Anita Campbell. Grange Primary

KS2 VERSION £42.50 or less. 50 min
KS1 VERSION £22.45 25 min
A colourful musical comedy for any time of year. NOT Disney! Nine modern easy songs and 4 musical pieces for dance/movement, score and script to customize. No musical ability needed if you use the backing tracks. ALSO AVAILABLE- SHORTER VERSION FOR KS1
Welcome- and a big hello! -
Count on Me -
Everything is Going Well -
Bring on the Acrobats! -
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